D&I (Inclusive Culture)

D&I 101: an introduction to diversity and inclusion in the workplace

The modern workplace is more diverse than ever and shows no signs of stopping. Designed to be a introduction to key themes in this space, in this 60 minute session, we will explore:

  • The difference between Diversity & Inclusion
  • Understanding our biases
  • Things we can all do to create an inclusive work environment
  • Why it’s hard to talk about race at work:

It is important to learn how to talk about racism in all the spaces where racism occurs, including the office. In this 60 min session, we will discuss:

  • Why do certain topics of conversation make us uncomfortable?
  • Why do we need to talk about race at work?
  • Tips for initiating positive conversations.

Understanding neuro-diversity at work

Whilst a significant percentage of the population is neuro-diverse, organisations could do more to ensure that they create a culture that embraces our different ways of thinking. In this 60 minute session, you will learn:

  • What is neurodiversity: some definitions
  • One size does not fit all: championing different ways of thinking
  • How to build a neuro-diverse workplace

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