Mindfulness tools


In this 30-minute mini-class, we will learn how to manage our minds. In this beginner-level class, we will learn the 3 Mindfulness Techniques to better manage stress and anxiety regardless of age, level, or lifestyle. All that is required is an open mind.

Creating a peaceful life is not about avoiding all responsibility and separating from society, rather, it is about accepting the nature of your mind and learning to dance and flow with it.

In this mind-expanding class, we will:

  • Build a deeper connection to self by learning how to be kinder to yourself
  • Create peace of mind with simple techniques to shift your mindset into a positive space
  • Grasp control of your destiny by programming your mind with gratitude
  • Gain insight into your habits through Sensei Shui’s reflection methods and frameworks
  • Discover life changing techniques to manage stress & anxiety without substances
  • Download Sensei’s custom-created workbook to follow along throughout the class and have the resources for all the life-changing info you are about to learn

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