A Powerful Habit to Learn in 2023 to Avoid HR Burnout

by Urban Yoga Lab

February 17, 2023

We are pleased to announce a special event on Time to Talk Day 2023 which will take place on 2 February 2023, run by Urban Yoga Lab in partnership with Andy Hix. This is a special virtual HR webinar exclusively designed for our HR network and portfolio of clients. The webinar features evidence-based ways to protect yourself from stress and anxiety.

In this session we will:

– become more aware of unkind thoughts

– take the power out of the inner critic

– create daily habits of self-kindness

As a result, you and your HR team will feel more positive, confident, and optimistic.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 842 9904 5360

Passcode: 049195

We are happy to share a recording if you can not make it live! Just make sure you register.

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