Webinar – First Steps for Giving Up Smoking Through Mindfulness
March 9, 2023 at 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
Regular mindful practices like meditation or yoga can help us cultivate a sense of calmness but also clarity. This clarity facilitates better decision-making and serves as the basis for noticeable transformations in everyday life. Training in mindfulness increases attention and improves self-discipline and makes it possible to actively monitor thoughts, emotions and sensations without allowing them to develop into uncontrollable cravings.
In this introductory session, we will learn about :
- How to recognise cravings and let go of the sticky thoughts of cigarettes before they draw us in
- Mindfulness practices to help us become more resilient in the face of our addictive urges
- How we can be more compassionate and patient towards ourselves when we make the wrong choice and give in to our bad habits
What you Need to Know Before you Join:
- You are welcome to participate with your cameras on/off
- You don’t need to be experienced to join any of our yoga or anti-stress stretching classes (the instructor provides a series of modifications for every posture)
- You can join more than once during the same day
- You can join with a family member or a friend
- You don’t need any special equipment to join (instead of a mat you can use a long towel)
- To join the class just click on the relevant hyperlink on the time you are interested to participate on the agenda above
- You don’t need to download the Zoom application to join the room – just click on the link
- If you have any issues finding the Zoom links, feel free to email us here and we will share them with you